Banarasi Silk Lavender Saree

Draped in the ethereal elegance of Banarasi Silk, this Lavender Saree whispers tales of timeless grace. Adorned with intricate floral motifs dancing across its body, while the border weaves a symphony of zig-zag lines in seamless harmony. The opulent brocade pallu cascades like a cascade of dreams. A self-blouse with matching border completes this masterpiece, destined to enchant festivities and weddings alike with its sheer splendor.
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More Information
Weave Banarasi
Fabric Silk
Origin Gadwal
Pattern Floral
Occasion Festive, Wedding
Primary Color Lavender
Pallu Color Lavender
Color Family Pastel
Border Type Self
Border Motifs Zig-Zag Lines
Body Motifs Florals
Pallu Motifs Brocade
Blouse Color and Style Self With Border

Banarasi Silk Lavender Saree
