Ikat Silk Sea Green Saree

Adorn yourself in the resplendence of this Ikat Silk Sea Green Saree, a celestial symphony of floral buttis dancing upon its fabric. The border whispers tales of elegance with intertwining florals and majestic peacocks in vivid contrast. As the brocade pallu cascades with grace, the contrasting blouse with its border completes this ensemble, a perfect ode to festive revelries and timeless weddings.
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More Information
Weave Ikat
Fabric Silk
Origin Pochampalli
Pattern Floral Buttis
Occasion Festive, Wedding
Primary Color Sea Green
Pallu Color Blue
Color Family Pastel
Border Type Contrast
Border Motifs Florals And Peacocks
Body Motifs Floral Buttis
Pallu Motifs Brocade
Blouse Color and Style Contrast With Border

Ikat Silk Sea Green Saree
